Collection: Soaps-Bath Bombs-Lip Balms


Our All Natural Goat's Milk Soap. Made with 10% refrigerated liquid vitamin D Goat's Milk. This soap bar has a delicate and creamy lather and has a creamy custard color. It is great for softening ones skin.

Our larger more masculine geared mango butter artisan soap bars weigh in on average from 6.4 to 6.7 oz each. They lather beautifully and have amazing scent that is subtle all day.

Mango butter contains triterpenes, which are plant compounds that have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties that can help protect skin and aid in the repair of dry, irritated, and generally upset skin. It can help heal & prevent body acne as well. **do not use if you are allergic to mango**

Our lip balm has staying power so you don't need to apply 16,262,937,64 times. But it goes on so smooth and creamy you may want to anyway.

Why beeswax? Beeswax seals in moisture and protects against dryness. Beeswax has anti-inflammatory properties that can help to soothe chapped or irritated lips. Beeswax can help to create a barrier between the lips and the environment, making it ideal for use in windy or cold weather conditions